General Education 一般教育科目

In the General Education courses, which are not only necessarily introductory, Students can expand their horizons by learning about the core of different disciplines and their relations to other disciplines. Students can take these courses according to their interests in their four years at ICU. Taken concurrently with specialized courses, the General Education courses can offer different frames of reference, and the opportunity to interconnect various topics. In order to acquaint ICU students with the basic teachings of the Christian faith, we require all students to take the “Introduction to Christianity” course from the General Education Courses.

ICUの一般教育科目は単なる概論や入門講座ではなく、それぞれの学問の核心に触れながら、さまざまな学問世界を体験できる機会です。そのため、各自の関 心や学習進度に応じて4年間を通じて履修できます。専門科目と並行して一般教育科目を履修することで、専門を別の角度から捉え、他の領域と関連づけて考えることが可能になります。