Global Civil Society 地球市民社会論


Course Description

Examines the theoretical and practical challenges NGOs and other stakeholders encounter in an emerging global civil society. Language of instruction differs by year.


Lecture 4

Contemporary Issues and Global Civil Society Organizations

This lecture introduces “Transnational Advocacy Networks”, how the emerged, what tactics and activities their use, and what their strength and weaknesses are. The lecture will introduce the following concepts and exemplify them in real campaigns, actors, and tactics.

1. How have they emerged?

Boomerang Patterns

Political Entrepreneurs

International Contact/Exchange

2. How do they work / influence?

Information Politics

Symbolic Politics

Leverage Politics

Accountability Politics

3. Conditions (for success)

Issue Characteristics

Actor Characteristics


Transnational Advocacy Networks, in: Keck, Margaret,E., and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. Activists beyond borders: Advocacy networks in international politics. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press (Chapter 1), pp. 1-38 [Moodle]

Instructor: VOSSE‚ Wilhelm M. | Language of Instruction: J

Major: Global Studies グローバル研究 | Course ID: GLS201 | Course Schedule: 2/M, 2/W, 2/F | Update: 2013.04.01 Category: Major Courses