S2: Media and Identity Formation S2: メディアとアイデンティティ形成

Course Description    Portal 

This course examines the process of identity formation and various identity issues through the lenses of communication, media, education and psychology


Contents of Lectures        19 Lectures  / 2 Videos

Sep 07 & 10 Week 1 Course Introduction and Overview (Sasaki, Sasao, Jung – 20 min.)
Sep 14 & 17 Week 2 M: Media, Pro-Social Behaviors, and Identity (Sasaki)

   TH: Media, Anti-Social Behaviors, and Identity (Sasaki)

Sep 21 & 24 Week 3 (Sept. 21 – Holiday – Online class)

   TH:  Real vs. Virtual Identity and Redefining Identity in Digital Age

Sep 28 Week 4 Identity & Well-being (1) (Sasao)

Oct 01 Week 4 Identity & Well-being (2)

Oct 05 & 08 Week 5 M: Video Games and Identity  (Sasaki)

   TH: Personal Communications and Well-being (Sasaki)

Oct 12 & 15 Week 6 M: Soap Operas, Gender and Identity (Jung)

   TH: Advertisements, Gender and Identity (Jung)

Oct 19 & 22 Week 7 M: Culture, Learning and Identity 1 (Sasao)

Oct 26 & 29 Week 8 M: Culture, Learning and Identity 2 (Sasao)

   TH: Digital Media, Social Networking and Learning Identity

Nov 2 & 5  Week 9 M: Mass Media and Learner Identity 1 (Sasaki)

   TH: Mass Media and Learner Identity 2 (Sasaki)

Nov 09 Week 10 Final Test

Instructor: SASAO‚ Toshiaki 笹尾敏明 | Language of Instruction: E

Course ID: GES053 | Course Schedule: 4*/M, 4*/TH | Update: 2020.02.26

Fields of Relation: Education 教育学 Category: General Education