HST101 J  History of Asia (China) アジア史(中国)  2017A

Course Description

Description of major trajectories of Chinese history. A survey of pre-modern Chinese history up to the Opium war. Lectures will cover such topics as the Golden Age of Chinese Classics, the Han Unification, the arrival of Buddhism, the new empires under the Tang and Sung dynasties, the takeover by the Mongols, the rise and decline of the Ming dynasty, and the eastern encounter with the West.


Contents of Lectures        

The lectures in the first half of the course cover the pre-modern history of China and East Asia, and the latter half is the Modern History from the middle of 19th century to 1945. The main topics of the lectures are as follows,

【The first half: Pre-modern history】(Using handouts)

1. Diversity of Chinese society.中国社会の多様性(西南少数民族と日本) 20170911

2. Birth of Chinese Civilization. 中国文明のあけぼの(先史から戦国まで)

3. Unification of the nation and its development in Qin and Han dynasties. 統一国家の成立とその展開(秦、漢)

4. Maturity of Ancient Chinese Civilization and Eastern Asia in Sui and Tang dynasties.
中国古代文明の成熟と東アジア(隋、唐)20170920, 20170922

5.Change of Easter Asian society and Conquest Dynasties.東アジア社会の変容と征服王朝(宋、元)

6.Completion of Imperial China in Ming and Qing dynasties.伝統中国世界の完成と東アジア(明、清)

7.Break(Watching Video); Zhang Xueliang’s talks about the history of Modern China and Japan.

【The latter half: Modern history】(Using text book)「南からの風」吹く・アヘン戦争と太平天国運動

1.The wind from the South was brown: Opium war and Taiping Rebellion.ゆらぐ中華の世界・洋務運動と日清戦争

2.Unrest in Imperial China: Yangwu Reform Movement and Sino-Japanese War.ナショナリズムの誕生・戊戌変法と義和団

3.Birth of Nationalism: Hundred Day’s Reform and Boxer Uprising.清帝国のたそがれ・ラストエンペラーと辛亥革命

4.Twilight of Qing Dynasty: Xinhai Revolution and the Last Emperor.「民の国」の試練・袁世凱政権と日本

5.Trial of the Republic China: The Yuanshikai’ goverment and Japan.若者たちの季節・五四運動とマルクス主義

6.Season of the young: May Fourth Movement and Marxism.革命いまだならず・第一次国共合作と北伐

7.The revolution has not succeeded yet: First united front and Northern Expedition.内憂と外患のなかで・南京国民政府と満洲事変

8.Among the domestic troubles and external threats, Nanjing Nationalist Government and Manchurian Incident.

9.Building the Great Wall against Japan, Manchukuo, Long March and Xi’an Incident.

10.The towns and peoples on the frontier, Hongkong, Taiwan and Shanghai.辺境の街と人々・香港、台湾そして上海

10.The towns and peoples on the frontier, Hongkong, Taiwan and Shanghai.
辺境の街と人々・香港、台湾そして上海  201711

Instructor: KIKUCHI‚ Hideaki 菊池秀明 | Language of Instruction: J Lecture Date: 2017 Autumn
Major: History 歴史学 | Course ID: HST102 | Course Schedule: 3/TU, 3/TH | Update: 2024.09.20   Category: Major Courses