Global Civil Society 地球市民社会論


Course Description

Examines the theoretical and practical challenges NGOs and other stakeholders encounter in an emerging global civil society. Language of instruction differs by year.


Lecture 8

Means I: Old and New Media

This lecture introduces how global civil society actors use old and new media. Mass media and (mini) media are used by NGO and other civil society actors not only to raise awareness about the issues of their concern, but also to raise their own profile and to increase their reputation in public.

The lecture will introduce a theoretical background and provide example videos of recent campaigns (, Greenpeace, Amnesty International). These examples videos and posters will are supposed to provide some incentive and ideas for the student’s campaign.

Key elements of this lecture:

I. Core activities of civil society actors

Research (of facts and problems)

Translating (difficult facts into comprehensive language, raising awareness, agenda setting)

Defending (position in the public sphere)

II. Means of Communications


Mass Media

Mini Media

New Media

New Media





III. Example of Alternative Media


IV. Comparison of News and Old Media

New York Times, LA Times compared to MySpace and Facebook

The “Decreasing” Role of Newspaper in the US and Europe

Why is Japan different, so far?

V. Internet User Analysis

IV. Examples of the use of New Media and Independent Media

The Seattle WTO Protests (1999)


Martin Albrow and Marlies Glasius, Democracy and the Possibility of a Global Public Sphere, in: Anheier, Helmut,K., Marlies Glasius, Mary Kaldor. 2008. Global civil society 2007/8. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, Introduction, pp. 1-16.

Instructor: VOSSE‚ Wilhelm M. | Language of Instruction: J

Major: Global Studies グローバル研究 | Course ID: GLS201 | Course Schedule: 2/M, 2/W, 2/F | Update: 2013.04.01 Category: Major Courses