国際関係とグローバル秩序 International Relations and Global Order

Course Description

This is an advanced foundation course on international relations and global order studies. It provides students with a better understanding of global order and governance in the rapidly changing today”s international relations. It examines critically various theoretical approaches and empirical issues in the field.


Contents of Lectures         Lectures  /  Videos

Sep 11 Introduction

Sep 18 Theoretical Perspective

  A. Realism,Liberalism and Global Order

  B. Constructivism,English School and Global Order

Sep 25 Historical Perspective

  A. International Order, World Order, and Global Order: A Perspective of Historical Constructivism

  B. The League of Nations and The United Nations: Continuity and Discontinuity

Oct 02 Case Study: SDGs (Pre-registration required on September 11)

  Field Study: Asahi World Forum 2017 Special Talk by Amina J. Mohammed and Hiroko Kuniya

  Meet at 16:00, Main Building, Imperial Hotel 2F Reception

  -16:10 Registration @ Imperial Hotel Tokyo Sponsored by the Asahi Shimbun

  16:20-16:35 Yoshimoto SDGs Ogiri

  16:45-17:45 Special Talk Sustainable Development Goals to Transform the World by Amina J. Mohammed and Hiroko Kuniya

Oct 09 A. Case Study: Afghanistan

  B: Guest speaker will be Tadamichi Yamamoto, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the UN in Afghanistan

Oct 16 Case Study

Oct 23 Case Study

Oct 30 A: Discussion on the Draft Outline of the Paper

  B: Case Study

Nov 6   Case Study

Nov 13 A: Case Study

  B: Discussion and Conclusion

Instructor: YOSHIKAWA‚ Motohide 吉川元偉 | Language of Instruction: E

Course ID: QPFD407 | Course Schedule: 5/M,6/M | Update: 2018.10.10   Category: Graduate Schools