N1: Senior Integrating Seminar in Natural Sciences N1: 自然科学総合演習  2019A

Course Description

A study of the characteristics and interrelationships of the different branches of the natural sciences and mathematics, and their relation to other disciplines. Small group study of important books on these topics, special lectures and general discussion. Course for senior students who have already taken more than two foundation courses of the natural science majors.


Contents of Lectures        Lectures  /  Videos

Sep 13

Instructor: KOSE, Hiroyuki 小瀬 博之/ KOBAYASHI, Junji 小林 潤司 | Language of Instruction: J

Course ID: GEN041 | Course Schedule: 4/F, 5/F, 6/F | Update: 2024.7.12

Fields of Relation: Biology 生物学, Mathematics 数学, Physics 物理学 Category: General Education