N1: World of Physics (B) - Answers from Physics
N1: 物理の世界(B)- 物理が教えてくれるもの 

Course Description

Born out of curiosity of the mankind, physics is a field of study to understand the laws in the natural world and is the basis of the natural science. In this course the world is explored through physics explained in plain manner.


Contents of Lectures        

1-4*: The Laws of Motion 1Skating | Falling Balls | Ramps

5-8: The Laws of Motion 2  Seesaws | Wheels | Bumper Cars

9-12: Mechanical Objects 1  Spring Scales | Ball Sports: Bouncing | Carousels and Roller Coasters

13-15: Mechanical Objects 2  Bicycles | Rockets and Space Travel

16-18: Fluids Balloons | Water Distribution

19-22: Fluids and MotionGarden Watering | Ball Sports: Air | Airplanes

23-27: Heat and Phase Transitions   Woodstoves | Water, Steam, Ice | Clothing, Insulation, Climate

If time available: Thermodynamics, Resonance and Mechanical Waves

Instructor: HITZER‚ Eckhard | Language of Instruction: E

Course ID: GEN012 | Course Schedule: 3/M, 3/W, 3/F | Update: 2024.8.15

Fields of Relation: Physics 物理学 Category: General Education