PHY102  Introduction to Physics 初級物理学  2017A

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to fundamental concepts and laws related to energy and motion in the physical science.


Contents of Lectures        

8.Elastic and inelastic collisions, energy and velocity of collision and rebound, frames of reference, vibrations (example: ball sports)

9.Feeling of acceleration and apparent weight, uniform circular motion, centripetal force and acceleration (examples: carousel and roller coaster)

10.Static and dynamic stability, precession, drive system (example: bicycle)

11.Rocket propulsion, Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, Kepler’s laws (example: space travel)

12.Atmospheric pressure gradient, buoyancy, temperature definitions, ideal gas law (example: ballons)

13.Hydrodynamics, hydraulics, pump mechanism, steady state flow, streamlines, Bernoulli’s equation (example: water distribution)

14.Oscillations, period, frequency, amplitude, harmonic oscillator, pendulum, piezoelectricity (example: clocks)

15.Standing and traveling waves, harmonics, resonant energy transfer, sympathetic vibration, sound waves, open and closed air column vibration, transverse and longitudinal waves (example: musical instruments)

16.Water waves, physics of tides, tidal power, tsunami, wave breaking, wave reflection, refraction, dispersion and interference (example: sea)

Instructor: HITZER, Eckhard | Language of Instruction: E

Major: Physics 物理学 | Course ID: PHY102 | Course Schedule: 3/TU, 3/TH | Update: 2024.08.15   Category: Major Courses